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Journals of the Senate

54 Elizabeth II, A.D. 2005, Canada

Journals of the Senate

1st Session, 38th Parliament

Issue 55

Wednesday, May 4, 2005
1:30 p.m.

The Honourable Daniel Hays, Speaker

The Members convened were:

The Honourable Senators

Adams, Andreychuk, Angus, Atkins, Austin, Bacon, Baker, Banks, Biron, Bryden, Buchanan, Callbeck, Carney, Carstairs, Chaput, Christensen, Cochrane, Comeau, Cook, Cools, Corbin, Cordy, Cowan, Dallaire, Day, De Bané, Di Nino, Doody, Downe, Dyck, Fairbairn, Ferretti Barth, Finnerty, Fitzpatrick, Fraser, Furey, Gill, Grafstein, Hays, Hubley, Jaffer, Johnson, Joyal, Kelleher, Kenny, Kinsella, Lapointe, Lavigne, LeBreton, Léger, Losier-Cool, Lynch-Staunton, Maheu, Mahovlich, Massicotte, McCoy, Mercer, Merchant, Milne, Mitchell, Moore, Munson, Murray, Nancy Ruth, Oliver, Pearson, Pépin, Phalen, Pitfield, Plamondon, Poulin (Charette), Prud'homme, Ringuette, Rivest, Robichaud, Rompkey, St. Germain, Sibbeston, Smith, Spivak, Stollery, Stratton, Tardif, Tkachuk, Trenholme Counsell, Watt

The Members in attendance to business were:

The Honourable Senators

Adams, Andreychuk, Angus, Atkins, Austin, Bacon, Baker, Banks, Biron, Bryden, Buchanan, Callbeck, Carney, Carstairs, Chaput, Christensen, Cochrane, Comeau, Cook, Cools, Corbin, Cordy, Cowan, Dallaire, Day, De Bané, Di Nino, Doody, Downe, Dyck, *Eggleton, Fairbairn, Ferretti Barth, Finnerty, Fitzpatrick, Fraser, Furey, Gill, Grafstein, Hays, Hubley, Jaffer, Johnson, Joyal, Kelleher, Kenny, *Keon, Kinsella, *Kirby, Lapointe, Lavigne, LeBreton, Léger, Losier-Cool, Lynch-Staunton, Maheu, Mahovlich, Massicotte, McCoy, *Meighen, Mercer, Merchant, Milne, Mitchell, Moore, Munson, Murray, Nancy Ruth, *Nolin, Oliver, Pearson, Pépin, Phalen, Pitfield, Plamondon, Poulin (Charette), Prud'homme, Ringuette, Rivest, Robichaud, Rompkey, St. Germain, Sibbeston, Smith, Spivak, Stollery, Stratton, Tardif, Tkachuk, Trenholme Counsell, Watt



Some honourable senators made statements.


Tabling of Reports from Inter-Parliamentary Delegations

The Honourable Senator Milne tabled the following:

Report of the Canadian Delegation of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association respecting its attendance at the 28th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's delegation responsible for the relations with Canada in Brussels, Belgium, from March 27 to 31, 2005, and the Parliamentary Mission in the country who will hold the next European Union Presidency which took place in London, United Kingdom, from March 31 to April 2, 2005.—Sessional Paper No. 1/38-508.

The Honourable Senator Losier-Cool tabled the following:

Report of the Canadian Section of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, respecting its participation at the meeting of the APF Committee on Co-operation and Development, held in Lafayette and Carencro, U.S.A., on March 14 and 15, 2005.—Sessional Paper No. 1/38-509.

The Honourable Senator Oliver tabled the following:

Report of the Canadian Delegation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union respecting its participation at the Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Twelve Plus Group of the IPU, held in Brussels, Belgium, on March 11, 2005.—Sessional Paper No. 1/38-510.

Report of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union respecting its participation at the one-day parliamentary meeting on the occasion of the 49th session of the Commission on the Status of Women: Beijing +10, which took place in New York City, U.S.A., on March 3, 2005.—Sessional Paper No. 1/38-511.


The Honourable Senator Kinsella moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Stratton:

That the Senate do now adjourn.

The question being put on the motion, it was negatived on the following vote:


The Honourable Senators

Andreychuk, Buchanan, Cochrane, Comeau, Cools, Di Nino, Johnson, Kelleher, Kinsella, LeBreton, Lynch-Staunton, Oliver, Prud'homme, Rivest, St. Germain, Stratton, Tkachuk—17


The Honourable Senators

Adams, Austin, Bacon, Baker, Banks, Bryden, Callbeck, Carstairs, Chaput, Christensen, Cook, Corbin, Cordy, Cowan, Dallaire, Day, Downe, Dyck, Fairbairn, Ferretti Barth, Finnerty, Fitzpatrick, Fraser, Furey, Gill, Grafstein, Hubley, Jaffer, Joyal, Lapointe, Lavigne, Léger, Losier-Cool, Maheu, Mahovlich, Massicotte, Mercer, Merchant, Milne, Mitchell, Moore, Munson, Nancy Ruth, Pearson, Pépin, Phalen, Pitfield, Poulin, Ringuette, Robichaud, Rompkey, Smith, Stollery, Tardif, Trenholme Counsell, Watt—56


The Honourable Senators




Third reading of Bill C-33, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 23, 2004.

The Honourable Senator Day moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Dallaire, that the bill be read the third time.

After debate,

The Honourable Senator Oliver moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Cochrane, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


Senate Public Bills

Orders No. 1 to 6 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Ordered, That notwithstanding rule 27(3), Order No. 7 (Bill S-16) remain on the Order Paper for another fifteen consecutive sitting days.

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Cools, seconded by the Honourable Senator Keon, for the second reading of Bill S-8, An Act to amend the Judges Act.

After debate,

The Honourable Senator Cools moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Tkachuk, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

At 4:00 p.m., pursuant to the Order adopted by the Senate on November 2, 2004, the Senate adjourned until 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.


Reports of the Canadian Tourism Commission for the year ended December 31, 2004, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2).—Sessional Paper No. 1/38-507.

Changes in Membership of Committees Pursuant to Rule 85(4)

Standing Senate Committee on National Finance

The name of the Honourable Senator Harb substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Rompkey (May 3).

Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament

The name of the Honourable Senator Fraser substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Carstairs (May 3).

Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples

The name of the Honourable Senator Tardif substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Peterson (May 3).

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